This workshop will help participants learn how to use the Minna de Honkoku みんなで翻刻 platform so that they can participate in the Kirishitan kanren shiryō o honkoku キリシタン関連史料を翻刻 project which is a component of the “Kirishitan-ban in the Digital Age” project.
During the workshop participants will work as a group to transcribe part of an Edo period document relating to Christianity in Japan whilst learning the rules and procedures for transcribing a text on the Minna de honkoku platform. This will help to increase access to and participation in the project particularly for those who have little to no experience with Minna de honkoku or transcribing early modern Japanese texts.
Date: February 2, 2023
Time: 17:00-19:00 (JST)
Language: English
Method: Zoom (Register Here)
Hosted by Waseda Institute for Advanced Study.