
As part of the project, we will create transcriptions of Kirishitan and anti-Kirishitan texts collaboratively using the platform Minna de honkoku.


Anyone who is interested is free to get involved with this part of the project. Simply visit our project page, choose a document that you would like to work on, and then start transcribing.


Other members of the community will likely help out, or offer comments and corrections – so if you are a novice when it comes to reading early modern Japanese texts this is a great place to get started.


The Minna de honoku project will create machine readable data which scholars will be able to use to explore texts relating to Christianity in Japan in new ways. It also aims to increase awareness and knowledge of the selected texts, and early modern Japanese sources more generally.


How to use Minna de Honkoku・「みんなで翻刻」の使い方

There are many resources online (mostly in English) for learning how to use Minna de Honkoku below is a list of some resources I have selected for your reference.
