Repository Launch

Today we are thrilled launch the English version of our repository, which was created with the help of Joseph Bills (Keio University). The translated Japanese version will be released at a later date.


The repository includes three sections:


  1. Resources – a list of digital resources useful for those interested in Kirishitan studies with descriptions of their potential uses and limitations.
    リソース ― キリシタン研究に興味のある人に役立つデジタルリソースのリストと、その潜在的な用途と制限についての説明。
  2. Texts – a IIIF viewer allowing users to quickly access 14 digitized Kirishitan-ban from numerous collections within a single place.
    テキスト ― 多数のコレクションからデジタル化された14冊のキリシタン版に素早くアクセスできるIIIFビューア。
  3. Collections – A list and accompanying map of different collections containing Kirishitan materials at libraries and museums across Japan.
    コレクション ― 日本全国のキリシタン資料や遺物を所蔵する図書館や博物館のリストと地図。

We hope that this collation of resources, texts, and collections will be useful to scholars, students, and those with a casual interest in Kirishitan studies.


If you notice any issues or have any suggestions for resources, texts, or collections to add to the repository please contact us at kirishitanbank[at]
