“Kirishitan-ban in the Digital Age: A Study of the Opportunities and Limitations of Applying Digital Methods to Kirishitan-ban” is a research project headed by James Harry Morris (Waseda University) and partially funded by a DNP Foundation for Cultural Promotion Graphic Culture Research Grant and two Waseda University Grants for Special Research Projects.
『デジタル時代におけるキリシタン版: デジタル手法による「キリシタン版」探索の可能性と限界に関する考察』は、モリス、ジェームズ・ハリー(早稲田大学)を代表とする研究プロジェクトで、その一部はDNP文化振興財団のグラフィック文化に関する学術研究助成及び早稲田大学特定課題(研究基盤形成)により実施されたものです。
The project investigates the use of digital tools and methods to analyze and deepen our understanding of texts related to Christianity in early modern Japan. It seeks to critically explore the potential opportunities and challenges that the hybridity of Kirishitan and anti-Kirishitan literature create for scholars and survey the limitations of pre-existing digital tools. In addition, we will attempt to develop several digital tools for use with related texts.
Kirishitan Bank is the website for this project and will serve as a platform to showcase and make accessible the results of the project. Thank you for visiting and please do not hesitate to contact us.