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Showcasing the Japan Biographical Database (JBDB)
James Morris will be speaking about the Kirishitan-ban in the Digital Project at the International Symposium Showcasing the Japan Biographical Database (JBDB) sponsored by the Institute of Comparative Culture, Sophia University on November 9, 2024. For details on the event which can be attended in-person or online visit the event website.
Project featured in Digital Humanities Monthly
We are thrilled to announce that the project was featured in Digital Humanities Monthly (Vol. 138, 31/01/2023) in an article written by Dr. So Miyagawa (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics). 本プロジェクトが、人文情報学月報(138号、2023年1月31日)に、国立国語研究所の宮川創氏による記事で紹介されたことをお知らせします。