Book Chapters
James Harry Morris, “Missiology in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities for the Study of Pre-Modern Christianity in Japan,” in Digital Humanities and Religions in Asia: An Introduction, edited by L.W.C. van Lit and J. H. Morris (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023), pp. 205-232.
James Harry Morris, “A New Way to Input Ligatures Found in Kirishitan-ban,” Manuscript Studies 9, no. 1 (Spring 2024): 118-130.
James Harry Morris, “Measles Epidemics During the Edo Period: An Analysis Using DANJURO Ver. 7.0,” Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies 30, no. 2 (November 2024): 346-272.
James Harry Morris (モリス・ジェームズ・ハリー) and Anna Dulina (ドゥーリナ・アンナ), “Meiji sannen no Takasa-mura kara hininban ga tōjō suru ‘Kirishitan shūmon aratame chō’ ni tsuite” 明治三年の高佐村から非人番が登場する「切支丹宗門改帳」について, FY2023 WIAS Research Bulletin (早稲田大学高等研究所紀要) 16, pp. 50 (19)-42 (27) (March 2024).
James Harry Morris and Damian Duduś, “Notes on a Certificate of Religious Affiliation (Shūshi shōmon),” FY2024 WIAS Research Bulletin (早稲田大学高等研究所紀要) 17, pp. 61-64 (March 2025).
James Harry Morris and Damian Duduś “Notes on a document recording the death of the descendant of a Christian (ruizoku) from Mori Village, Usuki Domain,” FY2024 WIAS Research Bulletin (早稲田大学高等研究所紀要) 17, pp. 65-70 (March 2025).
James Harry Morris, “How can we ensure longevity? Thoughts at the beginning of a project,” presented at The Digital Orientalist 2023 Conference, June 3, 2023 (Online).
James Harry Morris, “Pre-Modern Christianity in Japan: The Limitations and Potentialities of Digital Methods,” presented at Showcasing the Japan Biographical Database (JBDB), Sophia University, November 9, 2024.
Rachel Griffiths, Franz Xaver Erhard, James Harry Morris, Alexander O’Neill, Li Shihua, and Nicole Merkel-Hilf, “Round Table: Transkirbus for Asian Languages,” presented at Transkribus User Conference 2024, Innsbruck, Austria, February 16, 2024.
James Harry Morris, “Assistant Professor MORRIS James Harry’s ‘Kirishitan-ban in the Digital Age’ Project,” WIAS Newsletter Vol. 27 (Winter 2024).
Interview in: Miyagawa Sō 宮川創, ” ‘Kirishitan Bank’ to ‘Minna de Honkoku’: Kirishitanban honkoku no kuraudo purattofōmu”「キリシタン・バンク」と「みんなで翻刻」:キリシタン版翻刻のクラウドプラットフォーム, Jinbun Jōhōgaku Geppō 人文情報学月報138号, 2023年1月31日.