Memrise Flashcard Deck

With the help of Joseph Bills (Keio University), we have made our flashcard deck (originally created to be used in Anki) available for use in the Memrise Community Courses. The Memrise version of the flashcard deck can be accessed here.

ジョセフ・ビルズ氏(慶應義塾大学)の協力のもと、Ankiで使用するために作成したフラッシュカードデッキを、Memrise Community Coursesというアプリでも使用できるようにしました。Memrise版のフラッシュカードデッキは、こちらからアクセスできます。

Image from online version of the app.

The current first contains 400 flashcards. The deck is intended for beginner to intermediate level and reflecting this approximately half of the cards are kana with the other half consisting of a selection of relatively common kanji. Flashcards for kana include jibo in parentheses, and some kanji cards include kyūjitai in parentheses.


Image from online version of the app.

Images were taken from digtisied versions of Guia do Pecador ぎやどぺかどる (1599) from the Bibliothèque nationale de France and the Münchener DigitalisierungsZentrum, Digitale Bibliothek, and Fides no kyō ひてすの経 (1611) from Harvard Library.

画像は、Bibliothèque nationale de FranceMünchener DigitalisierungsZentrum, Digitale Bibliothekの『Guia do Pecador ぎやぺかどる』(1599年)、およびHarvard Libraryの『Fides no kyō ひてすの経』(1611年)のデジタル版から取り出したものです。

Memrise Community Courses can be accessed online for free. The deck can be accessed and used here.

Memrise Community Coursesは、オンラインでアクセスことができます。デッキはこちらからアクセスして使用することができます。

Please be warned that image quality varies greatly. If you notice any issues please feel free to contact us at kirishitanbank[at]
